Oh the life of a visually impaired dog owner. ;)
So I came home from walking Sadie last night - we happened to take a cross country route around my apartment, something we haven't done in a while. Came home, walked in the door, and I noticed that the poor dog was severely limping, not putting any weight at all on her back paw. In a panic, I looked to see the problem, and found the paw was severely cracked, very hard, but not bleeding. So, I had her wait while I got the vet wrap, Neosporine, and essentials to clean the wound - meanwhile trying to convince myself that an emergency vet visit was not in order. When I got back to Sadie, I noticed 2 pecan shells on the floor next to her.
Yeah. . .was prepared to clean and wrap pecan shells! I can just see me going to the vet with her paw wrapped. I need more excitement in my life, ya know? :)
Yarn Critters
1 week ago