Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Welcome Table

I was thumbing through Maya Angelou’s book Hallelujah! The Welcome Table - a wonderful book filled with recipes and anecdotes of her childhood and beyond living in the deep south. I attended our annual family reunion a couple of weeks ago, and the combination of this book and the reunion got me to thinking - what foods remind you of people in your life, memories that are important to you? Is there any food that brings tears to your eyes when you eat it, thinking of this loved one? Food is such an important part of our lives, not only for fuel, but for the memories shared as we sit around the table with our families. It’s a sort of history of who we are.

Here are a few of my food associations/memories throughout my life so far:

Chicken and dumplings reminds me of my great-grandma Flossie. It’s such a comfort food, I love it! I don’t have any specific memory of her making it, just THAT she made it, and I enjoyed it.

Meat loaf reminds me of my Grandma B - my mom basically uses her recipe, grandma hated to cook, but she could make some meatloaf, complete with vermicelli!! I remember having it on Sundays when we would come over to her house after church.

Pork roast I associate with my maternal grandmother - pot roast, pork tenderloin, those are connecte to her. She would always fix those when we would come over for dinner. And really these I also associate with my mom, as she makes them equally delicious!

Baked chicken is one of my mom’s specialties I think - it’s always so comforting, and feels so homey when you smell it in the oven.

Iced tea with Tang is from my grandma again, this was one of the things that defined summer for me. Cold tea with a hint of orangey sweetness. Iced tea is a summer staple of our family - especially sun tea!

Cherry pie I will always associate this with my grandpa and by extension my dad, as mom would always make Grandpa a cherry pie for Father’s day when we were growing up. :) It’s one of my very favorite pies!

Snickerdoodles because my great-aunt Mary would ALWAYS make snickerdoodles and bring them to family reunions. Even now, every year SOMEONE makes them - it’s almost not a family reunion without these little delightful cookies making an appearance! Come to think of it, it seems like they were always around when we would visit Aunt Mary’s house in Del Rio.

Tiramisu is my friend Vicki’s favorite. . . .fortunately for me, we can’t go to a restaurant and NOT order it if she sees it on the menu. :) Heck, I’m not complaining!

Pistachio pudding because my friend Karin’s mom used to make this, and I loved it. Love the color, love the summer dessert memories it conjures up - swimming, roller skating, mall outtings.

Anything barbecued always reminds me of my dad barbecuing and now my brother Nathan! Since I live in an apartment, it’s hard to barbecue. . .so I always look forward to having it at their houses.

Anyway, I think it’s fun to look back at all these food memories - it serves as an autobiography of sorts. I remember at one of our family reunions years ago, I made the comment that all we ever do is ‘get together and eat at these reunions!” Um. . .the problem with that is what?? ;)

A Few of my Favorite Things

This was inspired by a post my sister-in-law made on their blog and then my brother’s response.

These are some of my favorite things - things that are either my joys, touchstones, or just sure to put a smile on my face. :)

  • Food: There's hardly anything I DON'T like, but these are some of my favs - just about anything barbecued (chicken, steaks, burgers); any kind of cheese; Chuy’s jalepeno ranch dressing, any kind of Mexican food, my blueberry muffins (with so many blueberries you have to pick through them to find the muffin part!); almost any meal had with family and friends, something about the socialization makes it even better!
  • Places: The Davis Mountains; Texas Hill Country - expecially when bluebonnets are in bloom; The British Isles - I want to go there someday with someone who can drive and I’;ll get some spectacular pics;
  • Music: Where to start? Classic Braodway (Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, My Fiar Lady, Gypsy); some classical music; the older U2 stuff, Enya; Celtic Woman - just to name a few!
  • Literature: Lord of the Rings trilogy; anything by Shakespeare; Maya Angelou, Betty McDonald
  • Miscellaneous: Family- all of whom I don’t get to see nearly as often as I would like - and I’m looking forward to meeting my new nephew!; friends (here’s to friends I can chat with on the phone for hours on end!); my dog - who I wouldn’t trade for the world, she’s such a loyal, loving companion; relaxing on the couch with a good book and a glass of iced tea; cooking dinner and playing music in the background - it feels so homey!

I know I’ll think of more, but these are just SOME of my favorites!

Mountain or Beach?

For the most part, there are two kinds of people: mountain people and beach people

Me? Mostly moutain. :) I love the Davis Mountains, and I don’t get to go to our cabin there enough. I find that I love hot, dry climates like west Texas. I love the heat, not crazy about humidity. I love the fact that at the cabin it could be in the 90s and you don’t really feel it much. I also love the peace, tranquility. There’s nothing better than kicking back with a good book, glass of iced tea and laying out in the sun to read. :) I know a lot of people think west Texas is brown, barren, nothingness. To me, however, I think there is beauty in the different colors of the mountains, the different species of birds, plants, not to mention some spectacular photography.

Don’t get me wrong. . .I enjoy going to the beach, getting in the water, the sand, etc. But there is something about the mountains that speaks to me more.

How about you? Which one calls to you?

Polka Dot Pasta Salad

This has become my all-time favorite pasta salad. It’s from one of the Gooseberry Patch cookbooks and I’ve adapted it to the things I like best. It makes a great meal! :D

Polka Dot Salad

  • 1 1/2 c cooked rigatta pasta or other spirally pasta
  • 1 cucumber peeled and cubed
  • 1 c carrots, chopped (coined)
  • 1/2 c sliced radishes
  • 2 c cubed ham

For the dressing:

  • 1 c Ranch dressing
  • 1 T chopped parsley
  • 1 T sugar
  • 1 T vinegar


  • 1 can peas, drained
  • sharp cheddar, cubed
  • cherry tomatoes
  • sliced green olives

Prepare pasta according to package directions. Rinse with cold water and set aside. Combine ham and vegetables and add pasta. Combine Ranch dressing, sugar, vinegar, and parsley. Toss with pasta mixture.