Howdy! Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season - I always love the festive nature of this time of year. :)
Just wanted to add a few pics of my journey with Burke over the last few months since we arrived in Austin. :)
Yep, ------->
is the closest we will get to fall foliage in Austin this year, so had to snap a pic while I could. ;)

A picture of Mr Burke back in July sporting his booties on a hot summer day. Hot pavement + dog paws = booties. He disagrees however, and will only humor me for about an hour with them on. ;)
Burke and I have become quite the team in the months since we've been home. He's become such a focused, calm dog and I couldn't be happier. I'm still marveling at how calm he is - I was NOT expecting THAT from a lab. How lucky I am! He's got such a wonderful 'on/off' switch - he'll gladly lay around the house when I've got work to do all day, but he'll also gladly get up and go when I've got things to do around town, etc. So unflappable! All the traits of a GREAT guide dog. :)

Burke's other job - modeling my knitting projects. I couldn't help it. The scarf looks GREAT against his black fur, don't you think? Don't worry, his manhood is still intact. No permanent damage done to his psyche. He really enjoyed the treat afterward. :)

Burke and I met a new little friend - a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Jimi. He's as CUTE as a button, and the perfect opportunity for Mr Burke to practice his manners. Actually, he did really well meeting a little guy like Jimi - the pup was scared of the BIG HUGE dog. Now however, they can calmly coexist without either of them going spaztastical. ;) Provided the tiny pup toys are put away when Burke and I visit. No choking hazards for the big dog! :)

I had the chance to take Burke to the beach this year!! I had been wanting to, knowing what a water dog he seemed to be. He LOVED it - a chance to jump in the waves, run in the sand. . . .ah the life! :) And of course, the chance to watch the seagulls. Sure wish I had thought to bring something to feed them! Ah well. . . .there's always a next time, right?

And finally - Ms Sadie and Burke - after a fun romp outside at my parents' house over Thanksgiving. They have so much fun together. Sadie is more of a 'people' dog, doesn't really care about other dogs. But I think she enjoys playing with them every now and then. And. . . .the glass on the door? Nose prints. ;) On both the inside and outside - from curious dogs looking out at squirrels, birds, deer. And of course us, because we MIGHT be doing something fun that they are missing out on. lol
Christmas photos to be coming in the next blog post - when I have a chance to take some! I have an outing planned next weekend and then of course whatever our plans are for Christmas. Can't wait - maybe Burke will let me try a Santa hat on him. ;)